Secure white-labelled platform for recruiting and board meetings.

Jun 01, 2023 2 Minutes Read


In this digital era, the sea of knowledge and the internet of things have reshaped the whole process of talent acquisition. Until a decade ago, recruitment is not just about matching the right keywords. Being interviewed by interview who travel across the country has not changed InterviewBuddy Pro, has made it easy by bringing that platform to your office desktops.


Having all the board members in one boardroom for a board meeting is an ideal scenario for an organization, but this is not always possible. Board members often run their own companies, serve on multiple boards, travel for business reasons, and attend other meetings, so conflict in schedule is bound to happen. Fortunately, board members who otherwise can’t attend now have the opportunity to share their valuable insight and experience through remote board meetings. With the right technology working with board members in different locations is not only possible but also manageable.

What makes a remote board meeting as effective as a face-to-face one?

  1. Video conferencing
  2. Screen sharing
  3. Board portals


Commonly referred to by such names as online scheduling software. These applications allow individuals to securely schedule their interviews. In addition, the online scheduling system also comes with other beneficial features like automated email & text message reminders, which the system sends out to booked individuals on a specific date prior to their scheduled appointments.

  1. Time-saving
  2. 24-hour convenience
  3. Monetary saving
  4. Fewer-no-shows
  5. Less time spent reporting
  6. Reduction is scheduling error
  7. Flexibility & convenience

Are you ready to supercharge your hiring process?